• Electronic health records have assisted in giving accurate and timely patient information. To improve in this aspect, health facilities should be electrified, given computers and internet. Social media technologies can also be used to study and address HIV among at risk communities. The social media platforms include social networking sides for example Facebook and microblogs of real-time communication for example twitter. These platforms can bring together researchers, clinicians and technologists based in different countries to collaborate on innovative way to improve HIV prevention. Hence there is need to empower researchers in developing nations so that they can have access to social media platforms and also link them with researchers in developed nations. more

  • According to MGEN, healthcare in France is the most affordable among developed countries and less expensive than in many developing countries. What is the total cost of healthcare per person, taking into account both private and public expenditures? @MEDx; we are on a mission to provide affordable access to care in order to answer all of these pressing questions. More

  • After the field research, it became obvious that the market is not ready for 3D printed spare parts. There are different challenges and obstacles in this field. Engineers can’t trust the 3D printed spare parts easily because they are not familiar to them. Also, they must follow the companies contracts to keep the devices’ warranties. Furthermore, we conclude that the market doesn’t need a 3D printing platform as a solution for the spare parts' problem. The real need may be a more effective communication way. This would help speed up the delivery process and solve the global spare parts ISSUE. More

  • "Issues such as the uncertainty in follow-up prescriptions, when records can't be found and patients can't inform doctors of medication they have been under. The simple fact of digitalising health records would result in shorter and more accurate follow-up consultations, reducing re-admissions into treatment and enhancing the workload balance on doctors and nurses," she concludes. More

  • In conclusion, although digital health is not a panacea to achieving UHC, a holistic governance framework, resilient healthcare systems, communities, and access to the social, economic, and environmental determinants of health would make substantial contributions to its attainment. Organisations like MEDXCare along with governmental support can help achieve Universal Health Coverage in developing countries globally. Read More